Bowhead Health
Bowhead Health 是一家專注於臨床決策支持系統(CDSS)的加拿大新創企業,致力於將精準醫療應用於臨床試驗配對,利用先進的知識圖譜技術及人工智慧,縮短病人與臨床試驗配對的時間,並提升配對準確性。
目前與全球頂尖的制藥公司和醫療機構合作,推開發核心產品「Bowhead Navigator」,專為腫瘤學設計的精準臨床試驗配對系統,可分析病患基因組數據、病史及疾病分期,快速將病患與合適的臨床試驗配對,將原本需耗時數天的配對過程縮短至數分鐘。不僅加速了臨床試驗的入組,還能為製藥公司提供獨特見解以優化試驗條件。
Bowhead Health is a company focused on Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS), dedicated to applying precision medicine in clinical trial matching. The company utilizes advanced knowledge graph technology and artificial intelligence to reduce patient-trial matching time and improve accuracy.
Bowhead Health's core product is the "Bowhead Navigator," a precision clinical trial matching system specifically designed for oncology. It analyzes patient genomic data, health history, and disease staging to quickly match patients with suitable clinical trials, reducing the matching process from days to minutes. This system not only speeds up trial enrollment but also provides pharmaceutical companies with unique insights to optimize trial criteria.