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Taiwan Carbon Materials Corporation (TCMC)

先進碳材料的全方案提供商,以研發應用、生產製備包含石墨烯、奈米碳管等碳材料以及將材料應用產業化為主業務的科技企業。 擁有雄厚的技術研發團隊,供應高品質且具競爭力之產品,提供客戶最佳解決方案。致力於開發和生產高效散熱材料,以應用於AI/5G產業,並提供導電材料用於電動車鋰電池領域,以提升電池效能和降低能源價格,同時研發溫室氣體捕捉材料,以減少碳排放。

Taiwan Carbon Materials Corp. is developing and producing highly efficient heat dissipation materials for the AI/5G industry, as well as providing Carbon-based conductive materials for lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles to improve battery performance and reduce energy prices. We are also committed to the development of greenhouse gas capture materials to reduce carbon emissions.


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