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SPACEVLEO 是一家專注於超低地球軌道 (Very Low Earth Orbit, VLEO) 的太空新創公司,團隊成員來自電信網路、無人機通訊、航太技術與商業經營等多元領域。公司致力於開發創新的太空應用,滿足客戶在可及性、移動性與韌性等不同面向的衛星物聯網需求。前進太空團隊已成功打造台灣第一個火箭長程通訊系統,並研發出串聯高低軌衛星的高效使用者終端。

SPACEVLEO 自行開發的軟體定義無線電(SDR)衛星酬載和高效能通訊晶片,能夠在超低軌道環境中發揮卓越性能。我們的新產品和服務,特別適用於最嚴苛的 VLEO 場景需求,例如衛星通訊、地球觀測以及低軌 AI 邊緣運算,將太空服務行業引領至高速發展的時代。

"Innovative SPACE Applications for Very-Low Earth Orbit."

SPACEVLEO is constructing a comprehensive space perception network collecting over 100TB of data daily tailored to meet customers’ needs for accessibility, mobility, and resiliency.

The new integrated solutions are named SkyConnect offering real-time data services with applicable AI-driven analytics designed to add valuable insight into innovative applications.

The new offerings are unique in their ability to meet the most demanding requirements in VLEO scenarios, such as satellite communications, Earth observations, and AI edge computing thus leading the space data industry to a high-speed era.

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