Intercontinental Innovation

團隊匯聚多位國際知名專家學者,包括哈佛大學 Joslin Diabetes Center 前副院長 William Hsu 醫師(MD, PhD)、美國國家發明院院士暨加州大學爾灣分校(UC Irvine)生物醫學工程系主任、講座教授 Abraham Lee 博士,以及國際知名高海拔醫療與代謝醫療專家 SH Wang 醫師(MD)。此外,台灣研發團隊由三位博士與十位碩士等專業人才組成,涵蓋生物醫學、人工智慧與數據分析等領域。
SWM focuses on developing AI-driven medical algorithms, integrating proprietary wearable devices and cloud-based platforms to create subscription-based remote healthcare solutions for chronic disease management. Our goal is to enhance the accessibility and precision of patient care and medical services while reducing the workload of medical care providers.
Our team comprises renowned international experts, including Dr. William Hsu, MD, PhD, former Vice President of the Joslin Diabetes Center at Harvard University; Dr. Abraham Lee, a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, Chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of California, Irvine, and Chancellor’s Professor; as well as Dr. SH Wang, MD, a distinguished specialist in high-altitude medicine and metabolic disorders. Additionally, our R&D team consists of three PhDs and ten master's-level professionals specializing in biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence, and data analytics.