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Kura Care

Kura Care Inc. 是一家數位醫療公司,提供可迅速拓展的解決方案,以提高醫療品質並降低照護成本。其管理團隊由兩名全職台大醫生、前 Qualcomm 經理和在醫療產業經驗豐富的營運人員所組成。該公司專注向技術和疾病管理計劃 (DMP) 解决方案提供商提供產品,而這些提供商又協助醫療系統在基於價值的醫療 (VBC) 框架下實現更好的照護成效以及財務表現。
Kura Care Inc., a digital health company, delivers scalable solutions that enhance healthcare quality and reduce costs. Its management team comprises two full-time MDs, former Qualcomm managers, and seasoned operations officers. The company caters to technology and Disease Management Program (DMP) solution providers, who in turn assist healthcare systems in achieving superior performance under the Value Based Care (VBC) framework.
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