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康統醫學 (Kenkone) 專注於運用 AI 技術解決醫護人員過勞及病患安全問題。
我們的核心產品 EVAS,結合語音 AI 與生成式 AI,提供內視鏡手術室即時記錄與輔助,減少醫療紀錄中的錯誤與遺漏。目前 EVAS 已成功進入日本市場,並與日本國立癌症醫院合作,成為首家在該醫院部署 AI 產品的台灣公司。

康統醫學的技術及創新獲得多方肯定,不僅進入日本一流醫院使用,還吸引了當地醫療機構與企業的合作。我們榮獲 2023 年 AEA 亞洲創業大賽決賽資格,從 100 多家新創脫穎而出前五名,並被 NHK 專題報導,彰顯我們在老年化及醫療人力短缺的日本市場所帶來的重大影響。

Kenkone focuses on using AI technology to address healthcare worker overwork and patient safety issues.
Our core product, EVAS, integrates voice AI with generative AI to provide real-time recording and assistance in endoscopy operating rooms, reducing errors and omissions in medical records. Currently, EVAS has successfully entered the Japanese market and partnered with the National Cancer Center Hospital of Japan, making us the first Taiwanese company to deploy an AI product at the hospital.

Kenkone's technology and innovation have received widespread recognition—not only being adopted by top Japanese hospitals but also attracting collaborations with local medical institutions and enterprises. We earned a spot in the finals of the 2023 AEA Asia Startup Competition, emerging among the top five out of over 100 startups, and were featured in a special report by NHK, underscoring our significant impact in Japan's aging society and medical workforce shortage.

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