
BRICKS 是一個完整的 No Code / Low Code 平台,在使用者不需要撰寫任何程式碼的情況下,也可以輕鬆的協助使用者製作出具備『高視覺衝擊』、『顧客導向使用者介面』、『Edge AI/IoT 即時資料互動』、『週邊硬體裝置即時資料互動』的完整商業互動應用程式,適用於互動式數位看板、自助服務機等。
在全球界面臨數位轉型挑戰的背景下,BRICKS 可以有效的提供各種規模的商業環境的完整解決方案,從個人小店、20 店以下的小型連鎖至 500 店以上的標準連鎖品牌,使用 BRICKS 可節省 90% 以上的建置成本,甚至將平均 3 ~ 6 個月的零售數位轉型導入期程下降至 1 ~ 2 週即可完成。
至今,在台灣零售、餐飲業已有超過 300 個以上連鎖品牌選用 BRICKS 作為其數位轉型的解決方案平台,香港、澳洲、及越南也已經有在地系統整合商實際於各地市場導入中。
BRICKS is an all-encompassing No Code / Low Code platform designed to empower users to create engaging, visually stunning, customer-centric interfaces with seamless real-time interactions with Edge AI/IoT and peripheral hardware devices—without the need for any coding.
This platform is ideally suited for interactive digital signage, self-service kiosks, and other business interaction applications. Amidst the global digital transformation challenges, BRICKS offers a comprehensive solution for businesses of all sizes.
From small individual stores and micro-chains with fewer than 20 locations to standardized chains with over 500 outlets, adopting BRICKS can lead to savings of over 90% in setup costs. Additionally, it dramatically reduces the average digital transformation integration period from 3-6 months to just 1-2 weeks.
BRICKS has been chosen by over 300 retail and F&B chain brands in Taiwan as their digital transformation solution. Moreover, local system integrators in Hong Kong, Australia, and Vietnam are actively rolling out BRICKS in their respective markets, indicating its growing international presence and adaptability for diverse geographical developments.