邦易聽 (聽力行動)
邦易聽 (聽力行動)
Hearin Action

聽力行動(Hearing Action Inc.) 透過數位解決方顛覆傳統助聽器市場。
聽損與失智是各國政府重視的 重大公共衛生議題,我們致力於打造更可及且經濟實惠 的聽力健康服務。透過專利評估技術結合臨床經驗,簡易快速的通路轉介方法,攜手策略夥伴,共同推動全球 AI 智慧聽力市場。
Hearing Action Inc. is transforming the traditional hearing aid market with AI-driven digital solutions.
Through an automated evaluation system and digital ecosystem, we help users select the right devices and provide rehabilitation support, reducing costs and communication barriers.
Recognizing hearing loss and Dementia as a critical public health issue, we are committed to making hearing care more accessible and affordable. Our patented assessment technology, combined with clinical expertise, enables strategic channel partnerships to expand global AI-driven hearing solutions.