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IP² Scale Out Program in New York City
Calls For Taiwanese Startups


2022年林口新創園(現資育股份有限公司運營之IP² Launshpad國際新創專區)與以色列加速器SOSA合作,遴選具備國際發展潛力的臺灣新創,參與「IP² Scale Out Program 臺灣新創紐約落地計畫」,旨在打造加速落地國際生態圈,使臺灣新創亮相全球、串接國際新創產業鏈與快速規模化。




2024年,與美國加速器EntreCamp合作,招募10隊臺灣新創前往紐約展開一個月沉浸式落地培訓,安排密集商業實務課程、專家講師及團隊1對1簡報演練,並於紐約曼哈頓舉辦「Taiwan Demo Day 新創投資演示會」,展示創新產品及服務,邀請關鍵策略合作夥伴參與,爭取募資及訂單。

In 2022, the IP² PROGRAM, operated by i2i (IP² Launchpad), partnered with the Israeli incubator SOSA, renowned for its extensive experience in cross-border startup mentorship. This collaboration aimed to select Taiwanese startups with significant international growth potential and accelerate their integration into the global ecosystem through the IP² Scale Out Program. 


Between 2022 and 2023, 12 Taiwanese startups were trained, achieving impressive investment and order acquisition on the international stage.

In 2024, the program launched in collaboration with the American accelerator EntreCamp, recruits 10 startup teams for an on-site training program in New York. These teams underwent an immersive one-month training. The program included intensive business courses, one-on-one presentation rehearsals with mentors, and a Demo Day in the United States, invited key strategic partners to participate, fostering deep collaboration and aiming to secure funding and orders for the Taiwanese startups.

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About EntreCamp

由資深創業投資人IC, 知名新創法律顧問Bryan及具備豐富創投加速器經驗的Claire共同成立,藉由Taiwan Global Angels在美投資經驗,成為臺灣新創企業進軍美國市場時的最佳合作夥伴。


多年經營美西市場,於2023年進軍美東市場,提供完整創業生態系統,包括資金、導師、企業資源和市場通路,成為美國東部知名新創加速器,促進台灣和美國之間的技術合作和共同增長。目前Taiwan Global Angels已在美投資5家新創團隊及2項基金,包含MIT media Lab E14基金,累積投資額達 USD 11 Million。

EntreCamp旨在是協助臺灣新創進入美國,從建立創業家心態開始,全方位培育相關技能,尤其從Product Market Fit (產品市場契合度)、Founder market Fit (創辦人市場契合度)到Investor Market Fit (投資人市場契合度)幫助新創循序漸進、成長茁壯。

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