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IP2 Scale Out Program for Taiwanese Startups 臺灣新創落地加速計畫(Video)


i2i 力行「讓台灣新創飛向國際🌐 」,推出IP2 Scale Out Program,協助有志拓展海外業務的臺灣新創前進美東市場。今年囊括醫療、生技、資通訊、半導體、AI人工智慧領域,遴選出10家潛力新創團隊,與美國創業加速器 Entrecamp 共同推動紐約計畫,前往當地展開落地培訓,並將於6/21舉辦Taiwan Demo Day ✨ ,爭取跨國投資合作,發揮台灣創新能量。

i2i is committed to launching Taiwanese startups to the international stage, inviting them to enter the East Coast market.This year, in partnership with the American accelerator Entrecamp, the program covers fields such as healthcare, biotechnology, information and communications technology, semiconductors, and artificial intelligence. Ten promising startups have been selected to join the New York Project. 

These teams will undergo localized training and participate in Taiwan Demo Day on June 21st. ✨

⚡點我報名 Click to join the Demo Day:


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