i2i-Scalerator (資育)與國際創育夥伴美東加速器 Entrecamp共同推出 IP2 Scale Out Program 紐約計畫,囊括醫療、生技、資通訊軟體、半導體、AI人工智慧等趨勢產業,遴選出10組臺灣潛力新創團隊 前往紐約舉辦 Taiwan Demo Day,將臺灣新創的嶄新理念、技術、產品亮相美東,爭取當地企業合作募資,發揮科技創新潛力,讓臺灣新創再次飛向國際。
i2i and American Accelerator Entrecamp are jointly launching the IP2 Scale Out Program in New York. This program includes trend-setting industries such as medical, biotechnology, ICT software, semiconductors, and AI.
10 promising Taiwanese startup have been selected to hold the Taiwan Demo Day, showcasing Taiwan's innovative ideas, technologies, and products in the East Coast, seeking local business collaborations and fundraising opportunities.

2024 Scale Out Program Taiwan Demo Day
主辦單位 Organizer
活動日期 Event Date
2024年6月21日,下午1:00 - 5:00(紐約時間)
活動地點 Event Location
730 3rd Ave, 紐約, US, 10017
報名連結 Event Link