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【NY Startup Lesson】Entrepreneurship Course 2: MVP & Product-Market Fit (PMF)

作家相片: L LL L

This year, i2i has partnered with American accelerator EntreCamp to launch the 2024 IP2 Scale Out Program in New York. This initiative aims to help promising Taiwanese startups participate in a six-week, all-English expert course.


Terry Hsiao

Course 2: MVP & Product-Market Fit (PMF)


The second session of the EntreCamp online course explore a crucial concept for a startup’s success: the “minimum viable product,” or MVP. In this session, the lecturer, Terry, guided the class through the stages of a startup, from the initial design of their products to subsequent improvements based on customer needs, ultimately aiming for product-market fit.

Terry emphasized the importance of a customer-centric design process to ensure that products address the customers’ pain points rather than being based solely on the founders’ ideas.

Additionally, the session covered product launch strategies, where Terry advised the teams on identifying and eliminating unqualified customers.

Course Outline
  • A founding team should ideally comprise three key components.

  • Founders should embody “empathy” during the initial product design phase.

  • Your product doesn’t necessarily need to be entirely novel.

  • As a founder, it’s essential to learn to listen.

  • Gather information and data from your customers!

Design 101
  • The concept of “design thinking”.

  • MVP addresses a common mistake made by founders.

  • Take Dropbox as an example of a successful MVP.

  • Consider edge cases as well.

Product Launch
  • Don’t hesitate to launch your product because you think it’s not fully ready.

  • Qualify your customers !


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