經濟部中小企業處為推動林口新創園的國際化特推動IP2 Launchpad臺以專區計劃,招募以色列新創公司落地林口俾開啟後疫情時代國際合作新契機
在歷經99天超過100場的遠距合作媒合會議後,最終促使以色列新創公司Resymmetry創辦人Efrat Shenhold與商務副總Eitan Yanuv不畏全球疫情形勢嚴峻輾轉來臺,並在14天的隔離後,展開密集的商務參訪
【The Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Division of the Ministry of Economic Affairs has specially promoted the IP² Launchpad program to recruit Israeli Startups to land in Linkou】
In order to promote the internationalization of Startup Terrace, the Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Division of the Ministry of Economic Affairs has specially promoted the IP² Launchpad program to recruit Israeli Startups to land in Linkou to open up new opportunities for international cooperation in the post-epidemic era.
After 99 days of more than 100 long-distance cooperation and matching meetings, the founder of Israeli startup Resymmetry and Efrat Shenhod , and Eitan Yanuv, Chief of Business Development, came to Taiwan despite the severe global epidemic situation, experience an intensive business visit after 14 days of quarantine.
Before leaving Taiwan, was Resymmetry participation in InnoVEX Demo Day matchmaking meeting, where well-known Taiwanese venture capital such as Hive Ventures, Mesh Ventures, Juda Ventures, China Development Capital, Dare Ventures, 500 Startups are present to listen the pitch. Ho Chin-Tsang, the Director General of the SMEA, also went to IP² Launchpad Program’s booth to learn about Resymmetry innovative technology. he adds the comment: “Resymmetry overcomes all difficulties and finally manage to Soft-landing in Taiwan, It's very hard and touching in this Pandemic time, and I welcome them to visit Taiwan again in the near future”
Watch the documentary here:https://youtu.be/m3N6iRuqEzE