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【臺灣新創 x 紐約創業】振生半導體 Jmem Tech:資安升級硬體防護

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資育今年度與國際創育夥伴美東加速器EntreCamp共同推出IP2 Scale Out Program,協助臺灣十家潛力新創前進紐約市場,爭取投資合作商機。本文介紹入選新創團隊──振生半導體股份有限公司(Jmem Technology Co.,Ltd.),資育團隊將全程提供新創公司們必要之協助,力求將台灣新創的嶄新理念、技術以最佳姿態亮相美東。





Jmem tek provides comprehensive hardware security solutions to combat counterfeiting and offers post-quantum security features for chips.



振生半導體致力於發展全面性硬體安全解決方案包含MSOTP、PUF 和 First PUF-Based 後量子密碼技術矽智財,用於汽車、人工智慧、物聯網、軍事和金融行業的資料安全儲存和身份驗證。振生為晶片產生更安全的 ID,保護產品免受偽造問題。

Jmem tek offers advanced hardware security solutions to various industries, including Automotive, AI, IoT, Military, and Fintech. We use MSOTP, PUF, and First PUF-Based Post-Quantum Cryptography Technology IPs to ensure secure data storage and identity authentication. Our ID generation process creates a unique digital fingerprint for chips, protecting products from counterfeiting issues.


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